Wednesday, December 08, 2004
lyle lovett, chic-a-fay, hair that's a little too short, and pants

ok that's my morning. you're updated now.

i listened to lyle in the car, stopped at ( as my friend's child called it for years "chick-a-fay", and i got to wear pants again today - since my mom bought me several pairs this weekend.

see, i'm a skirt wearer. everyday. the whole stocking skirt high heels nightmare.

and everyday this week, i've been on the pants bus ( that sounded dirty - but you know what i mean) and oh my damn i love it....the ability to find the joy in the little things like this is what keeps me from killing or at least maiming other people. that and the fact that we have coffee again in the office the locals had an uprising and demanded the wicked caffeine ... actually we just gathered pennies unitl we had enough coin to buy our own stuff.

i'm trying to think of something topical to cover this morning ... or some issue that is sticking in my craw ... or something that's making me do the happy dance today...or something funny - and none of that is really kickin in.

i did have an excellent conversation with a new friend last night, and that's always a good thing - and i pick up a refill on the 'zac tonight - so that's good too.

but i'm gonna try something new.

i need topic suggestions, as many of you know - i need not be bothered by facts or reason or logic to form my opinion - so whatever the issue is - i'll be able to speak on it.

i'm just needin' the bring it on.

posted by Allie @ 12/08/2004 08:33:00 AM


At 9:50 AM, Blogger Allie said...

stinky men. duly noted.

it has been brought to my attention by my dear friend mary that we also need to discuss Earl - and why earl needs killin.

At 11:49 AM, Blogger tinyhands said...

Topic for dishcusshion: What bread makesh the besht grilled-cheese shandwich? Available choishes- white, wheat, shourdough, tortilla.

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Allie said...

ok mr bond. i think it's sourdough - TONS of butter and lots of cheese....just NO tomato soup anywhere NEAR it.

stinkymen- i'm totally ready to discuss.

the rumsfield thing makes me scared for my friend.

and i hate pantyhose too - can see an entire entry about that easily

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Miss Demon Seed said...

The Rumsfield thing, Kill!!! Kill!!! Kill!!!

Can we discuss people with a funny oder? The man I sat by at the ballgame last night smelled of funny soap or perhaps it was Elderberry.

At 2:54 PM, Blogger Allie said...

are you sure it wasn't his parent that smelled of elderberries while the other was a hamster?

At 8:18 PM, Blogger Didi said...

Rumsfeld - bad. Grilled cheese - very very good (white bread, only on white bread - with a slice of salami). Pants - a very good thing on a cold day. Loving the pants bus!

Further discussion: pomegranate margaritas (YUMMM!!!) and dirty old men who BLATANTLY stare at 20-something ass in the bar (not so yummm). And, last but not least, me having the hiccups...

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Tasty said...

Just for the record, I actually AM a pomegranate margarita. Further details available for the asking.


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